Frequently Asked Questions
about Frenkee's products and services

Here you will find all the frequently asked questions in one place. They are divided according to the financial products that you find on, and their subtopics. Don't see the answer to your question? Write to me and my colleagues.
It's us behind Frenkee
Frenkee is not just another boring comparator where you have to enter your phone and email just to see an offer. Our aim is not to get you into an endless loop of annoying phone calls. We do it differently. We give advice, tips and fair deals only when you decide it's appropriate. More about Frenkee...
We have all the mandatory CNB exams.
Through Frenkee, we give you verified experience.
Although we are an online portal, we are personally available to you.
I will guide you through the pitfalls of insurances, loans and investments
About Travel Insurance
Everything you need to know about travel insurance.
Foreigners insurance guide
Everything you need to know about foreigners insurance.